Monday, January 02, 2012

Here I am

Every time I see a Darwin flight pattern in my roster, it immediately brings upon a strong sense of 无奈.

Darwin, to me, is a bare place. The hotels I'm put up in are pretty close to the 'city center'. But there's no major shopping mall there. I'll have to take a bus ride to the mall if I want to get some fashion shopping done.

Looking at it from a positive point of view, I spend less on these trips. If I get those back-of-clock turns, I usually wake up in the afternoon, have some bread and get ready for work. I save on the lunches and dinners.

Lonely Planet made Darwin one of the top 10 places to visit in 2012. I'm not sure if this promotional announcement will bring about more tourists to the area, but for me, I'm pretty contented with staying in the hotel, and reading a book in the evening by the waterfront area.

Sunday, January 01, 2012

I'm back

I've been away, but now I'm back.

In this age of excessive Facebook posts, I've neglected the need to write down my feelings and vents.

I love reading my old posts. Some of them hit me as (still) intelligent while some are just a part of my past I'd prefer to keep it there as it was.

I'm back. So watch this spot.

Saturday, November 01, 2008


I've decided to set up a new blog at Wordpress. Do visit me there.

I'm not gone, just in a different place.

Monday, October 13, 2008


I've just been transfered to another branch, started work there on Sunday, and I'm trying not to hate the place before I have a chance to understand it more.

Things have been turbulent in my company for the past weeks. People are sacked, asked to leave, or on the way out due to various reasons. Reshufflement has been made and I'm one of the cards that got thrown out of the pile.

I'm made the second-most-authoritative person in the branch. It came as a surprise, neither pleasant nor bad though. Maybe those people sitting in the head office saw some potential in me. Maybe they just can't find anyone else to fill that spot. Maybe it's a disgusting pig throwing his weight around to get me that post.

Background story:
There's this disgusting fat ass that holds a nice-sounding title in the company. No one welcomes him, at any branch. I was minding my own business and being a good employee at a 'fast and furious' event last month when he got me to help him with some tasks.

I suppose that fat ass thinks that I'm polishing his shoes and didn't give me a hard time like he always did. He even proposed the idea of getting me to join THIS current branch. (His job title sounds good but his actual power is restricted to this pathetic place.) I blurted out-- "I'd rather be transfered to (some other branch)".

Fastforward to last week, and memos are issued regarding the 大风吹. I'm blown to this place now and am made the 2nd PIC. Just imagine how wide my jaw stretched when I saw the memo. There are 2 other guys currently holding the same job title as me and one of them joined a month ahead of me. I wonder how they feel about me being assigned such a 'high' post so soon. FYI, I am less than 2 months into this company.

Yah. The bimbo got the 'virtual promotion' first.


Friday, September 12, 2008

Be More Positive

It's time for me to be more positive. I should stop being such a bitch and see things at work so negatively and think of those pigs as lousy and sickening bums.

I need a life outside of work. I guess I need a new hobby.

Jigsaw puzzle maybe. Nah, they're too expensive and space-consuming.

Cooking/baking. Please, prices of commodities are rising like mad and it's not a good time for me waste ingredients.

Find a sugar daddy that takes me shopping. I just looked at my queue number and it's 600-something. I suppose I have a long wait.

Tell you what-- I'm going to read a book. Yes. Some material that's not a magazine/newspapers/company memo/tabloid news.

I'm feeling so intelligent. As usual.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


It was a lousy day at work. Seems like everything that can go wrong did. And a big arsehole from the top was there to watch the whole time. He's just one of those old arses that sit on experience and squash newbies in the company. Once the latter can't take the squashing, they'll leave, therefore maintaining his senior status.


And I hope Karma bites him in his fat butt real soon.

You do realise that workplace-arseholes all look the same. Those small rat eyes, loud voices filled with vulgar language cos they're not smart enough to say meaningful and intelligent stuff, and arses big enough to feed a whole village in times of famine.

A lot of things happen everyday but I can't write it here. It'll be too obvious and my cute perky buttocks might get bitten if someone in the company chances upon here.

I'm feeling pathetic.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Too Much Stuff

Let me try to summarise events that happened in August.

I sent off a dear friend, to a place which is far beyond my current financial means. A lot of well wishes, a lot of hopes and prayers, a lot of a lots.

Being 'in-between jobs' this month wasn't so bad, with the Olympics in action. Spent a good deal of time in front of the TV and computer watching really fierce competition and sports. I only get this every 4 years since I don't have cable at home, so allow me to indulge.

I got myself a new job, in the F&B industry. The career path looks promising, and I should be able to make it as an assistant manager in a few months' time. But it's not easy. Everything about that job is rather foreign and the only thing I seem to know already is how to use the fire extinguisher in the workplace.

You might not believe this but this is the first time I'm dipping my toes into the stinky pool of 'office politics'. I spent most of my flying days below the radar-- I wasn't one of those office favourites, and I'm just a number on the staff list.

Now I'm glad I actually went through my previous job. Those jerks there gave me a tough lesson on how to deal with nasty comments and the need to toughen myself up. I cannot be that soft, friendly, nice girl that everyone seems to label as a wallflower.

I know I have a future. It's just how I work it out.